[Stop] Applying Fungus Treatments on Dry Feet

You Must Get to the Root of the Infection

3-Minute *Soak Trick* Flushed Away My Fungus

I don’t know when it all started, but I’ve had toenail fungus issues for many years now!
I thought that it was harmless yellow toenails. But boy was I wrong!  In the beginning, it seemed like athlete’s foot.
But over time it got so much worse and I could no longer wear open-toed shoes!
I was so embarrassed that I only wore socks and sneakers anywhere I went.
The infection started on the skin around my toes and in between them. 
I started feeling a burning sensation while standing or walking for any lengthy period of time.  And not long after that my feet picked up a terrible smell. 
I tried my best to keep it from my husband but that didn’t work!  Just think of the smell of a dirty locker room, and that’s what my feet smelled like and that soon gave it away.

I tried treating the issue myself by using common over the counter products from the drug store.

Absolutely, nothing seemed to make it better and the problem wouldn’t go away.
Online, I found so many home remedies that people have used.  Just really crazy stuff.  Yeah, some of them were crazy but I really didn’t care anymore.
I bet that I’ve tried just about every common home remedy, like; 
– Tea tree oil 
– hydrogen peroxide 
– Epsom salts 
– baking soda 
– Listerine 
– Vicks rub

I even rubbed garlic between my toes and I put garlic in my shoes and socks at night while sleeping.

Both the smell of garlic and the smell my feet together got worse. I tried to handle this myself but really I needed to see a doctor. 
One doctor gave me a six month prescription which I used and I did see some improvement. But the moment I stopped using the medication the fungus started spreading once again.
The worst part was that the doctor said if the fungus got deeper into my toes and body, I may need surgery to remove my toenailsI was horrified!
I couldn’t imagine what my feet would look like with no toenails. How would I ever go to the beach again? 
My feet looked disgusting and just the thought of someone seeing them made me embarrassed. Over the years I spent hundreds of dollars trying to get rid of the fungus. But worst of all, nothing worked for me.

How I Soaked the Toenail Fungus & Solved the Problem

I was about to just give up ….and then a friend told me to go see Dr Langdon…
I told Dr. Langdon how much my toenails fungus bothered me…
She could relate because she also struggled with the embarrassment of having itching, burning, smelly feet. Dr. Langdon was an avid swimmer and was awarded a full-time college scholarship in swimming. She wanted to find a solution to her own issue.
She studied, trained and specialized as an MD until she became one of the world’s leading experts on fungal and yeast infections. I knew that I had finally found the right Dr.
She said something that completely shocked me…
“The meds you took by now, just like antibiotics, ended up creating a stronger, mutated fungi. And this led to an anti-fungal resistance, which made it almost impossible to get rid of fungus…
“You should know that it’s not your fault.”
Dr. Langdon shared with me the steps to a 3-minute soak trick. It’s a little unconventional but it works! 
After every shower I simply followed the steps.
The 3-minute soak trick finally flushed the fungus out of mine and even my husband’s nails for good.
I found out that I needed to tackle multiple layers of the infection. 
The issue wasn’t just limited to the surface of the skin. The fungus had to be suffocated… This quick soak trick killed my fungus from the outside in … And after a few weeks,

I Can Wear Sandals Again!

After doing the the 3-minute soak trick daily for a few weeks, my feet no longer smelled, and my toenails turned light pink. I’m thrilled that I found an effective solution. And even happier I can wear sandals now.
I stopped the *soak trick* about 4 months ago and the fungus has NOT RETURNED!

My nails aren’t as thick and flaky as they used to be…

I’m finally able to have my nails done and I am thrilled that now I can wear open-toe shoes.
I confess that I’m relieved to resolve this fungus nightmare and am thankfully that I can show my feet without shame. 

If it fixed my fungus issue, with the horrible condition that my toenails were in, then it can work for you too!

And My Results

Check out the video below to learn about the 3-minute soak trick – it just takes a few extra minutes, but it has been life-changing for me!
Click below to start the 3-minute soak trick and get rid of toenail fungus. 👇
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